Some things, some people, are just too broken to be fixed, no matter how hard you try.  Some things, some people, are not worth trying to save.


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15 responses to “

  1. ❤ Missing you, my friend.

  2. Where are you? Goodness…it’s been nearly two weeks since I’ve heard from you. I’m trying not to be all clingy and weird. I miss you. I’m afraid. You’ve not been gone for so long before….

  3. manyofus1980

    Are you ok? Thinking of you. If your around please write. You are missed. XX

  4. Ummm, I absolutely hate to be the one who says this but- but I found out that Sara- killed herself. I don’t have a lot of details but… Am glad to share what I do know.

  5. I am so sorry this world failed you so. Will love you until I see you there. Xo. Grainne

  6. Alaina

    Kyra. Sara. Dear beautiful soul.

  7. this makes my heart ache. you are in my thought and prayers, wherever your soul is.

  8. Heartbroken to hear the news. Sending love and peace- You are already missed so much. You helped me so much through some really dark times. The world is worse without you in it.

  9. Reblogged this on crashinglessons and commented:
    ***Trigger warning for suicide***

    I just found out that this amazing blogger lost the battle against her wolves. I can’t stand it. I’m heartbroken that such a beautiful soul was so completely beaten down by our world. Everyone is worth helping, and everyone is worth saving.
    Please take a moment to send some love and light out to people who are struggling- the vulnerable ones often fall through the cracks.

    Pardon me while I go back to crying- she helped and supported me so much, I just don’t want to believe that she’s really gone. RIP sister-in-spirit.

  10. I miss you so much. There’s this big, empty space in my heart where you used to be. I hope things are good for you now, my friend. I can feel you around me some days and it lightens my heart. I hate that life goes on without you – I want you to know that. If I could stop time I would….just wait it out for a while.

    I love you much. x

  11. I need you today. I’m going to start a blog right now with the things I would have talked to you about. I wonder if you know I come back here and read your posts all the time? I still have your old blog under my admin and I read that too, but it just makes me miss you more. xo So many years. I wish you could see Colt now. He’s a teenager! He’s got enormous feet and his heart has grown just as much as the rest of him.

    I miss you, my friend.

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